7 House Numerology

Have you recently moved into a new home with the address containing the number 7?

Such homes are considered lucky and emit positive energies! Be prepared to develop deep social connections and zen like peace. This new home will hold a transformative role in your life and we are very excited for you!

Those who are fortunate enough to call home to the number 7 or a home in which the digits add up to 7 (16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 223, 124, etc.) should be confident that this will be a peaceful and spiritual environment. These homes radiate a spiritual and reflective vibe that inspires their occupants to reflect on life and their place in this world.

If you are someone who needs a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life to recharge in tranquility, then your new home numbered 7 is an omen that you are on your way to such harmony. If you want a little more active, family-oriented energy, then consider a 24 house as well.

7 house numerology

The Seventh House In Numerology: Its Nature And Characteristics

Those whose lives revolve around the number 7 in numerology tend to be intellectually curious. They may be naturally authoritative due to their exceptional capacity for conceptualization and communication. They tend to have a level head and always get to where they need to go due to their superior navigational skills.

They possess qualities- like analytical minds and sound judgment- both of which have served them well and allowed them to succeed in many areas of life. These individuals constantly seek to interpret mysteries until they find the answers they are looking for. Therefore, they will keep working during their lifetimes to gain the insight to find those answers.

The Number Seven Does Not Attract Negative Energy

In western culture there is a mixed opinion on the "luckiness" of the number 7. There are many cultures that may believe the number 7 is unlucky or bad. Think about the superstition when you break a mirror you have bad luck for 7 years.

Fortunately, this cannot be further from the truth. The number seven is widely viewed as a positive omen due to the fact it has been the number humans have used to represent many aspects for millennia. We see and use the number everywhere, all the time: the seven days of the week, the colors of the rainbow, the seven continents, the seven wonders of the world, just to name a few.

In Numerology, The Number 7 Considered Fortunate for Spiritual Growth

7 is connected with spirituality, it is said that the moon controls the number seven. Many spiritual persons connect with the moon as well due to its power and beauty. Therefore, it makes sense that those within a house number 7 are considered a water body.

You may find yourself connecting with bodies of water, enjoy their beauty and visualize your life like a leaf in a river or a shell caught in a wave. Remember life experiences will rise and fall but they can also flow gently and seamlessly.

Those who need quiet to focus, such as writers, will find it ideal to live in this home. People whom of which have found themselves in a challenging place in life- toxic friendships, bad relationships or encounters- can find solace in the 7th house. The positive energy at the number 7 house can help with physical and emotional healing.

Who Should Avoid The Number 7 House

Numerology forecasters say that couples who live in a house number 7 may face some challenges. This does not mean your relationship will not last, challenges can turn into healthy growth in a relationship. The house's changing energy is a great space to deep dive into your spiritual side and give the extra effort your relationship might need.

It is also important to keep in mind that this type of dwelling is ideal for meditative purposes. It wouldn't necessarily be a good idea to begin operating businesses in one of these locations due to the potential of negative outcomes. Starting a business takes the healing energy out of the home, therefore stalling any spiritual, physical or mental healing that you must endure.

The people living in such houses may begin to feel isolated due to the spiritual comfort the home gives. While, yes, the comforts of home life are undeniable, it's important to get out and socialize if you prefer to be surrounded by friends and others.

It may seem like not everybody is a good fit for house number 7, but the energies that come from a dwelling like this may allow you to discover other spiritual deities you need to pursue to live an obstacle free life and promote tranquillity.

How to Get the Most Out of House Number 7

It is an exhilarating time in life when moving into a new home. Everything is new and exciting; it may be the first time you have your own space or you might be starting a new journey in your life. Whatever the circumstance, home décor is an essential and fun part of moving into a new home.

As discussed before, the number 7 in numerology has the connotation of emitting negative energies. Therefore, it may best to keep things as simple as possible- eliminate any artifacts or items that might be a source of negativity. This is a fresh start to life, it may be time to let go of some of the nic-nacs that may have followed you through times of hardship.

House Seven must be simple and pertain to your personality, therefore it may be best to refrain from contain complex décor. The home should also be clean, free of dust and cobwebs, and never cluttered. One good omen to have in your home may include Mandarin ducks. These symbolize love and affection and can be placed in the bedroom, facing each other to arouse love and romance.

Installing a water feature in the home is a great way to achieve inner peace and connect with the energies 7 has to offer. A recommended improvement to any living space is a fountain.

Including some of the seven colours in your home is essential to balance energy, as well. Numerology experts recommend using warm colors- orange, yellow, and red- in a 7 house.

As an additional suggestion, try using a specific color pallet. You only need one or two colors, specifically warmer colors like mentioned above. Such properties take a conscious effort to make this numerology house number work for you.

Set aside a special area of your home for yourself to unwind and fine tranquility. You are going to need dedicated meditation for spiritual growth and healing so this space can be a reading area or meditation sanctuary. Think about maybe including statues of Buddha and other spiritual figures within your house.

Advice And Caution For 7 Numerology in Your Life

Romance And Dating

People whose life is represented by the number seven like a birthday adding up to or containing the number 7, a home represented by the number 7, etc., are more likely to enjoy happy family life. Although, unfortunately, their connection and sexual lives are likely to become very shaky. This is due to the fact that authenticity is a valued moral for them, something that is a rarity in the time of social media.

To add to the above statement, they value retaining unaltered, authentic reactions. They will be able to maintain harmony in their family relationships once they are able to achieve a healthy relationship style.

Security In Money And Work

Individuals that identify with the number 7, allow for perseverance and diligence in life which will pay off in the long run. It is certain that they will enjoy the fruits of their labors in the form of great success and material wealth. They are also very generous people who take on any community service opportunity.

It in the nature of the number 7 residents to be conducive to education and comprehension. They expand their horizons by studying a new language or immersing themselves in a new hobby (an instrument, writing, exercising, etc.)

Good Luck And Success

Those who identify with the number 7 typically desire to become wealthy but they must first conquer their fear of the future and abandon their pessimistic view of the world. Then, in an instant, they can flip what was once a hope for the best into a nightmare scenario.

If you wish to amass wealth and become wealthy, you'll need a firmer grasp of the positive energies that this world has to offer. In order to achieve financial success, these individuals should perfect their unintended consequences.

People who feel they are represented by the number 7 may alternate between times of hardship and wealth. However, if they come up with something truly novel and ground-breaking, it could be an omen to financial freedom.

Health And Survival

Personal and mental healing must commence once someone moves into a house number 7. It is essential for these individuals to stay grounded and identify who they are. Your health is the most important aspect when it comes to living the life you desire.

When someone becomes disciplined in their diet, exercise and mental health, it changes their inner monolog to a more positive one. This then also improves physical health and expands the lifespan. Luckily, this house number is the perfect place to begin to put your health first, leading to a long, fruitful life.


The numerological significance of the number seven is that of peace, tranquility and transformation. While some cultures associate this number with bad luck and negativity we are here to reassure you that it is actually quite the opposite. The number inside the home with bring you a quiet place full of love, healing and transformation into the person you are meant to become.

There is no greater symbol of a new beautiful journey for you than the number seven (physical and spiritual). From a numerology perspective, it is a great house number.


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