Bedtime Affirmations: How Nighttime Affirmations said Before Bed can Improve your Sleep and your Life

Millions of people all over the world suffer from insomnia, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. For some, medication is not an option. Their bodies may be sensitive to medication or simply want to take a more holistic approach.

Luckily, there is a completely holistic approach that doesn’t involve adding any foreign substance to the body. This natural healing method can improve your mental and physical health and works long-term. The method that we are referring to is affirmations.

Positive bedtime affirmations can help you heal many mental health-related symptoms. With all of the anxiety, unease, and restlessness in the world today, bedtime affirmations are a perfect practice for anyone to add to their nightly routine.

When you start to practice bedtime affirmations regularly as part of your nightly routine, you will notice improvements in many aspects of your life.

These improvements may be gradual or sometimes you may notice large improvements quickly! Either way incorporating bedtime affirmations into your nightly regimen will most definitely improve your quality of life!

This may sound too good to be true, and you may not know where to start. I promise that these nighttime affirmations are very simple! When you understand how these affirmations work the excitement of your new relaxed and happy life will be right around the corner!

bedtime affirmations

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are words or phrases that when repeated regularly can shift your way of thinking and being. For affirmations to be most effective it is best to select phrases that are shorter. An effective affirmation should also flow nicely with a rhythm that feels satisfying to your mind. Sometimes I even make my own affirmations that rhyme.

This makes the bedtime affirmation pleasing to my mind so that my mind has a positive association with the phrase that I am repeating. My favorite nighttime affirmations roll off the tongue like poetry. It is almost like your own little nighttime lullaby to sing to yourself before bedtime. Affirmations are one of the most useful tools to ignite real and lasting changes in behavior and your mental state.

An effective bedtime affirmation will lull you to sleep with a feeling of warmth and positivity at the end of what may have been a stressful day. Nighttime affirmations are also an effective tool for healing heartache whether it is from a recent event.

Many people are in counseling for past trauma. If you are healing a past trauma. If you are seeing a mental health professional, ask them about helping you choose the right night time affirmations for you! 

Why use positive sleep affirmations? 

Using nighttime affirmations in conjunction with therapy can help you heal past trauma. The trauma from your past may be an unpleasant experience that you had as a child that is showing up as ongoing anxiety as an adult and causing problems in various ways in your daily life. Often times we do not realize how everyday mental health issues stem from childhood trauma that we have blocked and may barely remember or not remember at all.

Getting to the root of this trauma from our past is the first step to healing and creating lasting change in your life. Seeking the help of a mental health professional or guidance of a spiritual counselor are both great healing methods to use in conjunction with bed time affirmations.

If working with a counselor is not currently available to you, then you can simply practice bed time affirmations on a nightly basis. Your nighttime affirmations alone will be enough to greatly improve your overall mental health.

Another exercise that you can adopt to increase the efficacy of your bedtime meditations is keeping a sleep affirmations journal.

Keeping a journal is a wonderful practice for your mental health! You can journal every night before bed about the events of the day. Keeping a journal while practicing bed time affirmations is a great way to track progress and see how these positive sleep affirmations are making an impact in your daily life!

How affirmations affect the brain

Using affirmations at bedtime that you subconsciously associate with something positive will fire up the neural pathways in your brain and create lasting change in your brain and body. Sounds like magic right? No…it is science!

You may be asking yourself how this is even possible. Night-time affirmations activate reward centers in the brain. These reward centers are the same parts of your brain that respond when you celebrate an accomplishment or enjoy eating your favorite food! 

The pleasure centers in your brain are very powerful! Studies show that activating these reward centers can also help to reduce pain and help you maintain balance in stressful situations.

One reason why bedtime affirmations are so effective is that when the brain is preparing for sleep you go completely into a state of receiving. When resting there is no resistance to any incoming information, so the brain is completely absorbing the nightly affirmation that you are repeating to yourself.

Once absorbed, the corresponding messages can be sent to the neural pathways and create a positive and lasting effect in your brain.

This is the wonderful part about bedtime affirmations--They feel like magic and are backed by science!

Examples of nighttime affirmations

Creating your own bedtime affirmations can be overwhelming. Here are twenty-five of our favorite sleep affirmations that you can use nightly. These affirmations will help with a good night's sleep, and also influence your subconscious mind in a way that rejuvenates your spirit.

Once you have a regular practice down you may feel confident enough with your sleep affirmations practice, try making some of your own!

Our favorite sleep affirmations for a good night's rest and a positive outlook:

I am calm and at peace.

I am restful.

I feel relaxed and content.

I am grateful for all that I am.

I am happy to nourish my health with restful sleep.

Today I am enough. I sleep with a happy heart.

I rest deeply.

I am filled with a deep sense of peace and gratitude.

Sleep flows to me easily.

I am calm. My day is done.

My heart is abundant with gratitude.

All is well and in perfect order.

My body is at ease and light as a feather.

I breathe in restful relaxation.

I invite positive energy into my resting space.

In sleep I feel the many ways I am grateful.

I fill my heart and mind with positive healing energy.

I become more restful with each breath that I take.

I am safe and secure in my sleeping space.

I welcome joy, compassion, and love into my life.

I am open to receive all the love of the universe.

I am completely at ease in my sleeping space.

I love and accept my body.

I am proud of the person that I am.

I welcome stillness in my sleeping space.

These bedtime affirmations are great examples of the affirmations that you can repeat nightly to start your bedtime affirmations practice. Once you have a rhythm going and are comfortable with using night time affirmations, you can start to make up your own affirmations!

Benefits of using bedtime affirmations

There are many benefits to having a nightly bedtime affirmations practice. You will most likely lull yourself to sleep more easily than you are used to. You may begin to notice that you are sleeping more deeply as well! A good night's sleep is a wonderful side effect of a nightly affirmation practice! 

When you are sleeping more deeply your overall health improves! You are rested when you wake so you are in a better mood in the morning! Because of this, you may greet your family over breakfast with a smile instead of anxiety and frustration associated with having a poor night’s sleep, waking up late, and feeling the need to rush to your daily responsibilities.

Falling asleep to the rhythm of the positive bed time affirmations creates an overwhelming feeling of positivity in your brain that is stored while you sleep.

You can carry this positivity into your morning and throughout your day. This domino effect of positive energy will flow into every aspect of your daily life from work, to family, and relationships with other loved ones.

Making the decision to adopt a regular bedtime affirmation practice can change your life! That is a bold statement, and this will not happen overnight…or will it? When nighttime affirmations become a part of your routine over time and your behaviors change little by little, your quality of life greatly improves in every aspect every day!

When your physical and mental health is functioning properly, you are much happier and vibrating at a higher frequency in life. This is why saying affirmations at bedtime is not only a great gift to give to yourself, but this practice is also a wonderful service to your loved ones and all who you come into contact with.

Final Thoughts on Positive Affirmations for a Deep and Restful Sleep

The positive sleep affirmations shared here will help you fall asleep and enjoy a good night's rest. But, their value doesn't end there.

These kinds of positive affirmations shape your perspective. They help you develop a more positive attitude, appreciate the present moment, and drive out negative thoughts. Put succinctly, these kinds of affirmations are an excellent way of raising your vibration. So while these things help you get a peaceful sleep, their benefits extend into your waking life.

Try using sleep affirmations every day throughout the next week, and see what kind of impact it makes. Remember, affirmations are more than positive statements--they're a way of reshaping your perspective and then your reality.

So say some positive affirmations, and enjoy a good night's sleep!


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