How to Solve Your Problem Through Meditation

Problem Solving in Meditation

Meditation is a practice of mindfulness. It is an experience that brings you into the present moment.

In a state of meditation, relaxation takes over and your consciousness is heightened. This helps when dealing with complex problems because it can help the mind find clarity and insight. Meditations such as a new moon meditation or a yoga meditation to connect to inner power can alleviate daily stress and help you shine as your best self.

Health benefits of meditation

When the body is stressed, it is taken over by irrational tension especially in the mind and physical body. This hinders your attention span, your immune system and your inner peace.

When making a decision or trying to solve complex problems, meditation is a great practice to use to your aid. It improves problem solving skills, focus, emotions, sleep and can help you come up with the answers you need.

We learn below how meditation experience helps solve complex problems.

How Meditation Helps Solve Complex Problems

You are probably questioning why meditation helps with solving problems. The explanation is one that may seem obvious to some and not so to others.

When one meditates, the main purpose is to relax. When a person relaxes, they open their mind to relieving stress, finding happiness, passion and clarity. Problem solving skills come from knowledge of logical manners as well as having clarity over the situation.

Having your mind consume you with thoughts, anxieties, and stress has an affect on the brain. Reducing stress can literally improve your quality of life in more ways than one.

Meditating allows you to relax and find the inner peace you need to forcibly solve complex problems.

How to meditate to find a solution to your problem

Some people have a hard time meditating because they have a hard time relaxing without the anxieties consuming them. Lets dive into the process of a simple meditation technique to relax and work on solving the problem at hand.

The first step of meditation is to take a deep breath, focus your entire existence on your breathing. When a person focuses their attention on one thing, in this case their breathing, they clear their mind. One's breathing relinquishes control that their anxieties have over them to create a sense of purpose for the present minute.

The next step is to find relaxation in your practice. Allowing your passing thoughts to do just that, pass. Acknowledge the thought and let it flow passed like a twig in a river.

After acknowledging a state of relaxation, allow peace and tranquility to consume you, focus on the present. Meditation can feel silly at first, but with time and practice it does affect your

The following step is to find a purpose of the mediation in this case it is the problem you are trying to solve. While not giving excess energy to the problem you focus on the task at hand, to find clarity. To obtain clearness of the mind one must relax. As the thoughts pass, you acknowledge them, then let them flow through you like a river.

To finish your meditation practice, one can release the stress they may feel toward life. One gains a inkling that you can take on the world with a new sense of being and finding solutions to your biggest problems.

All it takes is ten minutes to meditate to physically feel the tension in your body diminish and find the relaxation you need to find the solution to your problem. By permitting yourself to slow your mind down, you may find the wisdom you seek within your heightened sense of being.

Lastly, many find that meditation crystals help to enhance the practice.

How Meditation Can Help Your Emotional Well Being

There are many benefits of meditation, especially on one's emotional well being. When someone is feeling stressed all your problems seem to be mountains with rough terrains that are seemingly impossible to climb.

Meditation lets you glide to the top of the mountain, obtaining all of the enlightenment one needs to live a long, happy, stress free life.

Research will tell you, having a more positive outlook on life can lead to a lot of health benefits. Meditation grants you the power to open up your mind to relaxation, problem solving, happiness and positivity.

Continue reading to learn more about specific problems meditating can help you find the solutions for.

Different Problems Meditation Can Help You Through

There are a lot of problems within this world that people face every day. There may not be exact solutions to each and every problem but opening yourself up to a heightened sense of being permits you to find different types solutions to complex problems.

Meditation gives someone a perception of power over their thoughts which can lead to more purposeful actions within their daily life. It also gives a person clarity that they cannot obtain while being stressed.

Below are some indistinct problems that may not have equational solutions. The solutions consist of actions that may take time but with the right mindset and patience, you will manifest the life you deserve.


Stress is a number one health hindering emotion. Stress not only affects the brain and its chemistry but it also takes a toll on your body. Stress is held in the neck and the back which leads to a bountiful amount of problems like headaches, issues exercising, sitting and standing and moving in general.

Stress leads to other health problems like headaches, heart disease, high blood pressure, insomnia, and even issues with sex. That is why relieving stress with meditation is a natural way to stay healthy, happy and live a long glorious life.


Grief is one of the most despairing emotions one can live with. Nature does not stop for anyone and grief is one of the most natural responses someone can experience.

Meditation allows you to pin point the triggers that one may feel while grieving. When someone meditates on their grief they allow themselves to sit with the emotion that they are experiencing. As mentioned before, think about your thoughts as if they are twigs in a river, acknowledge them and let them pass.

Heartbreak and Relationships

Heartbreak and relationship problems are similar to grief in the way that you are grieving losing someone you loved. Meditation helps with the mental processes of heartbreak by forcing you to sit with the emotion and gaining the wisdom and insight to move on.

Mental Illnesses

Mental illnesses are a specific complex problem that meditation can aide in. When dealing with mental illnesses it seems impossible to solve problems.

All your problems are not only hindered by chemical imbalances but also horrific intrusive thoughts that make it impossible to relax. That is where meditation comes in.


Meditation can help with depression naturally without the need for medication. Practicing meditation allows the body to relax and build a healthy immune system. It also relieves the mind of intrusive thoughts that may occur when feeling depressed.


Meditation benefits those with anxiety by clearing the mind of the energies someone deals with when suffering from an anxiety disorder. It heightens your alignments and vibration in the world, ridding you of the excess potential anxiety gives.

Bipolar disorders

Meditation helps control your mood. When one meditates, it sends you into a state of tranquility that better regulates the racing thoughts and anxieties that one might suffer from.

Final Thoughts on Meditation

Of course, meditation is no substitute for proper medical intervention. However, in many cases, it can be a great aid to overcoming problems related to mental health and emotionally taxing periods in life.

There are a few meditations you can try to get started. Whatever you decide to go with, try to stick with it for 20 minutes a day and you'll see results in as little as a month.


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