Money Manifestation

Manifesting money will lead you to a life of abundance and freedom. In this article, we will discuss what is means to manifest money and what you can do to bring more money into your life. We’ll talk about the fastest way money manifestation can take place, and how you can be a money magnet by the end of 2023 or even sooner!

Money is not exactly the direct result of hard work or talent. It has much to do with the energy you emit to the Universe (which is why it is often said that “luck” is a huge factor in making money). The most successful people in the world manifested money beyond their wildest dreams and you can too. By using tools similar to the one percenters, you too can use positive attraction to make your dreams into a reality.

How to Manifest Money

What money manifestation means

Manifesting is creating a dream or an idea and making it into a reality. Money manifestation means using your thoughts, feelings and dreams to create energy to pour into your physical reality to create financial freedom.

Manifesting more money can lead to an over all better quality of life, an abundance of opportunity, success beyond your wildest dreams and so much more!

Now that you have an idea of what money manifesting is, lets dive into how to develop the energy needed for the universe to have your back.


One of the best things to do to attract money is to meditate. During meditation, one can clear their mind to focus on giving intention to receiving money.

Using guided meditation that focuses on the desire of wealth creates a positive mindset thus manifesting all the money you could imagine. Mediation can create self-awareness of your goals and allow yourself to actually feel wealthier.

Setting Goals

You can send positive energy into the universe by setting concise goals. To write down concrete goals can allow you to manifest money in your everyday life. Goal setting can include:

  • Positive affirmations

  • Money mantras

  • A vision board

  • Using a planner to write down daily, weekly, monthly and yearly goals

  • Sharing your goals with friends and family

To keep yourself motivated, you can place your goals somewhere that is high volume. Placing your written goals somewhere you look everyday like in your bedroom, near a calendar, in your kitchen, your office, etc. is a very useful way to manifest money beyond your wildest dreams.

Negative thoughts and energy can be holding you back from your dreams. Replacing negativity with positive affirmations and thoughts can really make or break the impact your manifestation has on your physical reality.

Having your goals clearly in your face will allow you to stay consistent and remind you of the achievements you wish to obtain.

money manifestation

Anyone can Manifest More Money

It is true, anyone can manifest anything they wish! The attraction of money comes from the positive thoughts and affirmations one tells themselves while trying to manifest money.

The best tool in manifesting money is learning self-love. Having self-love reminds you that you are worthy of attracting the success you desire.

There are many ways that one can increase their confidence within themselves. Some examples include:

  • Daily self-love affirmations

  • Exercising

  • Having self-care days

  • Keeping up with tasks

  • Creating and completing to-do lists

Using some of these examples can help create a positive mindset which then in turn develops the positive energy one needs to manifest enough money to achieve their desired success.

Money manifestation stems from the positivity one must feel about themselves. You must believe in yourself enough to know that you are worthy of the wealth you aspire to obtain.

Discussed later in the text, limiting beliefs can hold you back and take away from the positive energy you must put toward manifesting more money. To allow yourself to receive money, one must begin to allow yourself to accept the idea of abundance.

In a world full of self doubt, positivity within oneself can allow the energy you need for superior money manifestation.

Manifesting Money in the New Year

Spending money during the holidays can have one feeling negative thoughts about their financial goals. Celebrations like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthday's, New Years parties, even Valentines day have an abundance of impact on financial goals.

To spend your well-earned money on creating a happy family is not a bad thing but to be able to save money to create financial freedom creates a sense of power. Manifesting money in this new year can allow you to be a money magnet by the end of 2023.

There are many ways to manifest money in this new year no matter your belief system. As listed above, one can meditate, set clear goals and/or practice prayer.

Another way to manifesting abundance of wealth is to utilize affirmations or money mantras to believe in yourself, for example:

  • I am wealthy

  • I am worthy of the wealth I attract

  • I am financially free

  • I can and will save money

  • I am a money magnet

  • I deserve happiness and success

  • I am worthy to receive money

  • I am grateful for the money I have and will receive

  • I will achieve the wealth I dream of

  • I am responsible

  • I am disciplined

And so much more!

Money manifesting may seem impossible to some but it truly is possible with the right mindset and dispensing positive energy into the universe.

Removing Limiting Beliefs

Defining Limiting beliefs

Lets start by defining limiting beliefs. A limiting belief is the negative thought or thoughts one tells themselves as to why they may not be worthy of their dreams or aspirations.

Limiting beliefs hold you back more than you could possibly imagine during the course of your life, not only including money manifesting.

How limiting beliefs stand in your way

Negative energy is possibly the biggest obstacle standing in your way to your successful future self. Money manifestation rids you of the negative energy and replaces it with positive affirmations of the wealth you desire.

Your emotions have a lot to do with the way you receive anything from the universe, including money. If one has negative memories of the past revolving around money, that can lead to the negative loathing one may feel when it comes to money.

How to remove limiting beliefs

One must never forget the hardships of the past, but use them as fuel to energize the positive energy that must go into manifesting the amount of money one wants to achieve.

There are many ways to let go of your limited thinking. Some ways are listed above but when thinking of negative thoughts, identify them. Once identified, acknowledge that you are thinking negatively. Take the negative thought and turn it into a positive mantra.

For example, if one thinks to themselves, "I cannot save the money I wish to, it is impossible." Identify the phrase of negativity, you do not believe you can save money. Then acknowledge that that statement is a negative thought, while maybe true in the present it does not have to be true for the future.

Think to yourself, "even if I save one dollar a day, it is better than saving nothing at all" and remind yourself, I am worthy of saving money, I am worthy of the wealth I desire.

At first it will be hard to convince yourself that of which you are telling yourself.

The more you practice positive affirmations and positive self image the easier it will get to not only believe in what you are saying but you will begin to attract what you are affirming.

Letting go of the negative thoughts you tell yourself will allow you to open your mind up to attract the money you seek. Do not let your limited thinking stand in the way of the intentions of the wealth you desire.

How the Most Successful People Manifest Money

In a world where one percent of people have more money than the entire population combined, it seems bleak that one would ever attain a similar amount of success. Although, it is not impossible.

Two types of intention when manifesting money

There are two types of intention when it comes to manifesting anything, inner intention and outer intention.

Inner Intention

Inner intention comes from within. It is the desire one has to obtain that in which they want, in this case, money. Inner intention is the goal setting, daily affirmations and positive thinking we discussed earlier in the text. It is straight forward and something one can work towards.

The worlds richest people have some inner intention but outer intention may have a huge impact on their success as well.

Outer Intention

Outer intention is the energy you put into the universe while letting go of the wheel. Sometimes what we need is to let go of the anxieties, stresses and worries that come with obtaining success.

Trusting that the universe has our back, allows the universe to trust us. It may sound weird but telling yourself that you already have what you want can tell the energies within the universe that you deserve it.

The most successful individuals allowed the universe to guide them. The attraction of wealth they received was energy they almost subconsciously put into the universe.

Using some of the ways to manifest wealth we listed early like a vision board, allow you to subconsciously put positive energy into the universe even if you do not look directly at it every day.

You deserve the wealth you attract and you will be the successful individual you aspire to be.

Using Tarot for Personal Finance

We would be remiss not to mention the value of Tarot when it comes to money. There are several money Tarot spreads that can be helpful for increasing and managing your income.

In your Tarot readings, you will find that the most valuable money and career-related insights come from Minor Arcana cards in the suit of Pentacles.

If you are using Tarot as a supplement to your manifestation practice, be sure to look for any Pentacles cards. They will point your intuition in the right direction and show you where opportunities lie. They can also help you avoid pitfalls that can set you back. Hopefully, you'll find the Ten of Pentacles, which sings a song of success and triumph.

Final Thoughts

Manifesting money is a great way to overcome the culturally-imposed notion of "working yourself to death" while increasing your bank account. Using these techniques, you can ease your financial strain and welcome the abundance the universe has to offer you.


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