Sacral chakra affirmations

Sacral chakra affirmations help emotions flow freely while bringing pure joy, healing sexual energy, and connecting you with your divine sensuality. The Sacral chakra represents how we receive pleasure, interpersonal relationships, friendships, romance, and creativity.

A balanced Sacral chakra signifies healthy emotions, sensuality, sexuality, and libido, coupled with living a passionate life.

What is the Sacral chakra?

The Sacral chakra is the second chakra. It's one of the energy centers representing creative and artistic gifts and expression (in addition to the Throat), and the chakra of the emotional body. Emotional intelligence, empathy, maturity, vulnerability, and openness are associated.

The Sacral chakra asks you to embrace life, to live with pleasure, and pursue your passions. It asks you to connect to your authentic and true feelings, being open to the inner worlds of subtle sensations and impressions. This is where memories are kept.

The corresponding element is water, which symbolizes depth, the subconscious mind, the imagination, sacredness, intuitive senses, and instincts. This second chakra asks you to take a deep dive into the inner realms of divinity, ancient wisdom, and knowledge of your sacred body.

Artistic, creative, and musical gifts also come into the Sacral chakra's realm, in addition to sensuality and libido.

Signs of a blocked Sacral chakra

A blocked sacral chakra signifies poor boundaries, low self worth, an inability to enjoy pleasure, emotional instability, moreover a lack of sacred connection in your life. You have creative blocks and feel unable to dance, sing, and move your body freely.

You become stagnant in your own self-expression and in your connections with others. This energy center is responsible for powerful golden light, so blocks and imbalances here prevent harmonious relationships.

Sexual life force and being a sensual and passionate being are closely linked to one another, although they're not completely synonymous. Absolute and unconditional bliss is prevented, while you likely feel blocks in your physical body.

The Sacral is also known as the Svadhisthana chakra, is located just above the pelvic region, by the belly button or lower abdomen, and can be an endless source of free flowing love, bliss, joy, connection, intimacy, and imagination, when healthy and harmonized.

An overactive Sacral chakra focuses to much on pleasure, sex, passion, and zest- there's little to no self-control, and self-mastery is close to impossible. An overactive Sacral chakra keeps you stuck on the thrill and chase, going after instant gratification.

An overactive Sacral chakra can also get in the way of important business and creative partnerships and projects. It makes you uncommital, too easily swayed, pulled into multiple frequencies and pursuits, and disconnected from your need for authentic emotional bonds.

An underactive Sacral chakra has similar effects, although the cause is rooted in diminished energy, life force, and motivation. You lack get-up-and-go with an underactive Sacral chakra, inspiration and zest too.

Sacral chakra affirmations for Emotions

Sacral chakra affirmations awaken your emotional body, coupled with helping you let go of past feelings of hurt, pain, and trauma. They help you choose joy and feel joy, making sense of certain emotions that can lead to your growth.

Sacral chakra affirmations allow you to attract people who best serve vibrant, creative, and inspired self. You are a creative being, and Sacral chakra affirmations can help you meet and connect with open hearted, colorful, intelligent, empathic, and like minded people. Kindred spirits!

Endless prosperity flows when you embrace intimacy and open yourself up to unconditional joy, connection, and love. Love can be both romantic and platonic with the Sacral chakra. Emotions are connected to your sacred body, divine wisdom, ancient self-knowledge, and powerful spiritual instincts.

Sacral chakra affirmations enable you to relate to others in a balanced and healthy way, with empathy, kindness, sensitivity, greater self-awareness, feminine intuition, gentleness, confidence, courage, and positive energy.

Sacral chakra affirmations for emotional balance:

  • 'I let go of all that no longer serves my health, happiness, and emotional well-being.'

  • 'I only attract loving, supportive, mutually respectful, and harmonious relationships into my life.'

  • 'Perfect harmony is achieved in all life areas when I work towards emotional intelligence coupled with empathy.'

  • 'Healing comes with complete authenticity and honesty regarding my feelings and inner world sensations, needs, and desires.'

  • 'I deserve absolute honesty, loyalty, and trust in my relationships, if this is what I give to others.'

  • 'Integrity, limitless joy, self-esteem, and self-accountability increase when I deeply respect and nurture my emotional needs.'

Sacral chakra affirmations for Sexual Energy

Sacral chakra affirmations help you to radiate passion, in addition to a divine sexual life, because you are a divine sexual being! Sacral chakra healing can help you to understand the importance of sacred union or soul union.

This is romance and intimacy on a higher level of expression and awareness. Relationships become less superficial and more deep, allowing for enhanced intimacy, connection, and authenticity. You feel joyful while acquiring more wisdom simultaneously.

The Sacral chakra is the seat of sexual memories- both the positive experiences and the more painful and traumatic memories. a healthy relationships (romantic/sexual) is dependent on vibrant sexuality, thus affirmations for this chakra help with libido and sexual life force.

Being in tune with your sexuality further makes you more joyous, empowered, charismatic, outgoing, expressive, and liberated in your thoughts and speech. It can help you overcome depression or lethargy, as well as feeling free to connect with people from all walks of life.

Sacral chakra affirmations for sexual life force:

  • 'I am worthy of a beautiful life and a vibrant sex life to match!'

  • 'My sexuality is my strength. I am not limited by any unjust or oppressive structures or restrictions.'

  • 'I am in complete control of my body, emotions, and senses. I am a self-sovereign being who expresses my needs with grace and control.'

  • 'I learn how to receive pleasure to give joy. I am aware that life involves a healthy flow of give and take.'

  • 'Daily life should be full of laughter, connection, and a balance between healthy solitude and sociability.'

  • 'Powerful golden light emanates from within when I connect my Sacral with my Third Eye. Meditation coupled with visualization helps with this.'

  • 'I must first develop a healthy relationship with myself before I can expect bliss in my outer connections.'

Sacral chakra affirmations for Creative Expression

A passionate life comes through self-expression, creativity, moreover accessing artistic gifts. Your own divine sensuality can be experienced through creativity, as can wisdom, knowledge, and deep insights into the Self and universe.

A beautiful life free from pain and unnecessary hardship- suffering, feelings of disconnection, separation, etc., is achieved when you access artistic and imaginative abilities. You create a deeper bond with Source, God, the Divine, or the Great Spirit (whichever higher power you believe in).

Ancient codes of profound creativity, blueprints of extraordinary creations, are stored in the human body. It's through our Sacral chakra combined with our Third Eye where we can access them. These two chakras are known to be linked and therefore are great for chakra healing together.

Out of all the seven chakras, the Sacral is the energy center that best represents creative life force.

Affirmations for creativity:

  • 'Poor boundaries are reduced when I connect to my source of divine masculine authority and personal power.'

  • 'A passionate life where I engage in imagination and artistic activities are an endless source if inspiration and energy.'

  • 'The positive energy found in creative projects and ventures leads to my dream life.'

  • 'I start vibrating pure joy every time I let my emotions flow freely in a way that contributes to some artistic skill or vision.'

  • 'Past feeling of hurt, sadness, grief, trauma, and pain are released the more I express myself creatively.'

  • 'Endless prosperity comes into my life when I live for pleasure, following my highest joy instead of giving into fears and illusionary doubts.'

  • 'My self worth is tied into my ability to think, act on, and feel liberated in my imagination.'

  • 'My inner child is the key to my happiness and longevity!'

The Sacral chakra and the Third Eye chakra

The Sacral chakra is closely linked with the Third Eye, which means that healing one with unblock energy pathways in the other. The Third Eye relates to your sense of vision, psychic awareness, intuition, and spiritual powers of insight and perception.

Therefore, healing your Third Eye naturally helps to clear any confusion in addition to illusion, so that you can access creative gifts and talents better! Unblock your Third Eye chakra to activate your Sacral, and you will find your Sacral chakra affirmations to be much more effective.

Consider using crystals such as Sunstone combined with Sodalite, Moonstone with Lapis Lazuli, and Carnelian with White Howlite or Clear Quartz. Crystal combinations used alongside affirmations are a great way to amplify healing effects!

If you have found alignment in both of these Chakras, the more distant but still related Chakra is the Root Chakra.


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