The Horseshoe Tarot Spread: Guidance on building up to a 7 Card Tarot Spread

Learning to read Tarot is a rewarding way of connecting with your higher self while being of service to others. Many turn to Tarot card readers when they are feeling troubled, down spirited, or simply need help making a difficult decision.

As a Tarot card reader you must first know how to guide your querent to the right questions, and of course interpret the cards clearly, but before that the Tarot card reader must decide which Tarot card spread is the best choice for each reading.

How do you know which Tarot card spread to choose? Well there are many options for Tarot card spreads, and knowing which spread to work with is very important. The best way to develop this skill is drawing on your own experience.

Over time you will grow to understand which Tarot card spreads work best for different situations. If you are a beginner you may start with some of the Tarot card spreads that contain less cards, but once you grow confident in your ability to interpret the cards accurately you can start to experiment with Tarot card spreads that contain more cards.

Perhaps you may even advance enough in your reading capabilities to nail the seven-card horseshoe spread.

Different Types of Tarot Spreads

 There are so many different Tarot card spreads to choose from. One factor in how you make this decision may be your experience level.

Tarot card spreads that contain fewer cards give great general information in a Tarot card reading. These types of Tarot card spreads are also typically easier to read for beginners. Larger spreads are more complex but give more specific and nuanced information.

Also, with any spread, make sure you are asking the right kinds of questions.

The One Card Pull

Whether you are a beginner or you simply do not want to dedicate the time and energy to a larger Tarot Card reading, the one card reading is a popular choice for a very straightforward question.

When doing a one card Tarot reading keep in mind that the answer you receive will be extremely general. For a more detailed response you may want to work your way up to more advanced Tarot card spreads.

The Three Card Spread

The three card spread is probably one of the most popular Tarot card spreads for beginners. Almost all Tarot card readers start their journey with the infamous past, present, and future reading that utilizes three Tarot card spread.

The first card represents the past leading to the situation, the second card is the present card, and the third card is the future card, speaking to what is likely to come.

This is a fundamental way of learning how to read Tarot cards, and it is a great way to start your journey to learning how to read a seven card Tarot spread. You begin by pulling from past events, working towards your current energy, and then lead into the expecting final outcome.

Besides “past, present, and future,” you could also use a “situation, obstacle, advice” tarot card spread. Either way with these Tarot card spreads you are well on your way to learning how to read a seven card Tarot spread.

The Five Card Spread

Once you have mastered the three card Tarot spread you are ready to try the five card Tarot spread. A simple way of using this spread is to add one card above and one card below a simple three card spread.

The fourth card placed beneath is usually a reason for the circumstances represented within the three card spread. The fifth card is placed above the initial three, and this card represents the potential within a situation. The five card Tarot spread is a perfect way to practice advancing toward reading a seven card Tarot spread. 

The Seven card Spread

Now, we arrive at the seven-card horseshoe Tarot spread Traditionally this Tarot card spread creates a downward facing “V,” but the “V” can face upwards. It is mainly a preference.

 The seven-card horseshoe Tarot spread is a very sound and accurate Tarot spread to use when giving a Tarot card reading. The seven card Tarot spread will give you more detailed guidance than a three card or a five card spread, and it is much easier to read than a Celtic cross, which contains ten cards.

The seven card horseshoe Tarot spread is perfect for an advanced Tarot card reader to give a very detailed and accurate reading. You can come up with your own questions for your seven card tarot spread, but here are a a couple of examples that you can use to get you started.

One reason that people turn to a Tarot card reader is if they are face with a major decision. Making difficult life decisions can cause extreme anxiety, burdens, and take a toll on your mental health. The following seven card Tarot spread is a good option if you are giving a reading for someone that is faced with a difficult life decision. 

Decision Making Horseshoe spread

  1. Past situation

  2. Present circumstance

  3. Future outcome

  4. Best course of action

  5. Outside influence

  6. Obstacles

  7. Projected outcome

Another very popular reason that people seek out a Tarot card reading is potential romance! Maybe they have a crush on someone at work or in their inner circle, and they’re not quite sure if the feeling is returned or if they should take action. In this situation the following horseshoe spread can give some insight into the ongoing situation with a potential love interest.

Romance Horseshoe spread

  1. Current situation

  2. How the subject feels towards the querent

  3. How the querent feels toward the subject

  4. Outside influence

  5. Obstacles

  6. Advice

  7. Projected outcome 

Matters of the heart can be tricky, even when you are already in an existing relationship. Sometimes people feel insecure with their current partner and just need to check in to see if there may be a matter in the relationship that needs attention. This horseshoe Tarot spread is also for a love reading, but this spread is more suited to those that are in an existing relationship. 

Relationship horseshoe spread

  1. Current situation

  2. How the subject views the relationship

  3. How the querent views the relationship

  4. Outside influences/conflict

  5. Obstacles

  6. Advice

  7. Longevity of the relationship

Practicing Seven Card Spreads

Just like anything else you do in life, becoming an efficient Tarot card reader takes practice! The best way to practice a new Tarot card spread is to give yourself a Tarot card reading. You can also practice with your friends.

It is never difficult to find someone who is willing to let you practice your Tarot reading skills with them, especially the seven card spread! The horseshoe Tarot spread is lots of fun to practice and will impress your friends and family!

Once you feel that you have practiced the horseshoe spread until you are feeling comfortable with it, you can start offering donation-based Tarot readings. This is another great way to practice the seven card horseshoe spread! Offering donation based Tarot card readings will also give you an idea of how efficient you have become with reading with seven cards.

Practicing your Tarot card spreads daily is the best way to make progress toward becoming a great Tarot card reader. Each time that you offer a new Tarot card reading you not only improve your accuracy with reading the Tarot cards, but you gain more and more confidence with each reading!

Final Thoughts on the Horseshoe Spread

A spread with Seven cards is no joke, and is only one step away from the famous Celtic cross spread. It takes time to master this spread, so don't beat yourself up if you don't get it right away!

The Horseshoe spread is one of the best Tarot spreads for getting deep insight into any situation taking place in your or in a querent's life. You can get quick and reliable insight from smaller spreads but sometimes the depth of these 7 cards gives you the extra mile you're looking for.

Keep practicing, and soon you'll be able to handle horseshoe spreads like a champ.


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