What does the Moon Card mean?

The moon tarot card appears at a time when there is a sense of uncertainty about the unknown.

This card helps guide, shake, and awaken you to the truth that lies beyond the darkness.

The moon is one of the major arcana cards, bringing with it a powerful lesson of accessing your innate intuition and seeing past the illusions of a situation.

In this article, you'll explore the moon card and understand the true depth of this card when it appears in a reading. 

Moon Tarot Card Associations:








Psychic powers, psychic ability, divine feminine, lunar cycles, gut feelings, inner guidance, mood swings, inner voice. 


moon tarot card meaning

The moon tarot card depicts one of the most interestingly illustrated cards in the deck.

At first glance, you'll likely notice the moon.

There appears to be a half-moon's face cast across the sun, though some believe it's a full moon.

Behind the moon is a blue sky, and you're not able to determine if it's transitioning into night or morning.

In the background are two towers, one on either side of the card.

Closer in view, a dog and a wolf stare up at the moon profoundly, howling into the sky.

Next to these animals is a small pond, where a lobster also raises their claws to the sky under the moonlight. 

How the Moon Tarot Card Meaning is Derived from its Imagery

The moon's light signifies a time of darkness.

But, there appears to be a brighter light, such as the sun, peaking out from behind the moon.

This symbolizes that there will be light once again.

The wolf and dog represent the animalistic nature and wild aspects of the human being.

Whether this is in physical action or deep within the psyche, people contain animal desires and reactions to the experiences they have.

The instance of water in this image taps into the subconscious and symbolizes the inner world and the animal that exists within that aspect of yourself as well.

The two towers symbolize structure and foundation that seems to be lost in the image, but this stability will be found once again as soon as the sun rises over the horizon. 

The Moon in the Fool's Journey

The fool's journey describes the individual journey each person makes throughout their lifetime.

When the moon appears, it enters just after the star card, which helps the individual realize their potential and importance.

The moon tarot card appears at a time when the fool has doubts about their abilities and may be experiencing negative self talk that's preventing them from moving forward in an empowered state.

The star card is also associated with psychic powers, and the moon symbolizes the start of psychic development, which isn't only light.

Sometimes, you must go inward and face all of the anxieties, fears, and troubles within you in order to integrate them and allow them to become a source of power and strength. 

The Moon Tarot Card Meanings

Depending on the position of the moon card, its meaning can vary. Pay attention to how the moon appears in a reading to better understand the full message that it brings. 

The Moon upright meaning

The moon tarot card description is sometimes off-putting for some, as it deals with heavy emotions and topics in comparison to some of the other cards in the deck.

In a tarot reading, the moon may appear at a time when an individual must learn to uncover a hidden truth about a situation that will help them gain greater clarity.

Self deception is also another aspect of this card, as the mind and emotion can sometimes cause you to see a situation in a skewed light, not allowing you to see it in its full truth.

The moon represents tapping into your own feelings, dealing with mental health issues, and gaining a better understanding of what's going on around you.

If you see this card, it's a sign that there is some aspect of the illusion that you're dealing with, and in order to move forward, you must learn to see past it and embrace nothing but the truth, no matter how difficult that may be. 

The Moon Upright in Love

In a love or relationship reading, the moon card depicts aspects of instability, deception, illusion, and insecurity.

You'll know if these energies apply to you, as you may be experiencing anxiety surrounding the connection.

If not, this is a sign that your partner hasn't been being truthful about their true feelings or intentions, or they may have insecurities or anxieties that are preventing them from fully embracing the connection between you two. 

The Moon Upright in Finances

If you see this card in a personal finance spread, especially with Pentacles cards, it can tell you about a source of unknown financial gain or loss.

For example, if it emerges with the Four of Pentacles, you may be nervously clutching your money in preparation for a hit. If it arises with the Ten of Pentacles, there may be good fortune on the way for you.

The Reversed Moon Tarot Card

The reversed moon tarot card is a sign that you are on the right path.

The hidden or illusionary aspects of a situation are finally beginning to pass, and you're gaining a sense of peace and clarity once again.

Sometimes, the reversal of this card indicates a blocked intuition, and it's important to understand whether or not you're listening to your gut instincts or if you're being guided by your fleeting emotions. 

Reversed Moon Card for Health Meaning

The moon reversed meaning for a health reading is a sign that you may have gained insight on how to begin your healing.

You may have had a mystery illness or have had trouble seeing results from the guidance you've received previously.

Now, you're beginning to see positive change in your health.

You no longer have trouble deciding which healing methods to use, and any warning signs of symptoms are beginning to fade. 

Significance of the Moon

The moon is a powerful symbol in tarot and spirituality as a whole.

The moon symbolizes intuition, feminine energy, the unconscious, and the constant cycle of change.

When the moon transitions through its different cycles, you can experience changes in your financial situation, love life, relationships, communication, and ability to manifest.

As one of the most powerful cards in the tarot deck, the moon card is a wonderful tool that you can use to remind you not to take everything at face value.

Sometimes, all you have to do is give a situation time to bring more information into the light. Waiting is a powerful maneuver–there are times when you need to be patient as things come to you, instead of splashing your hands around in the water trying to take them head on.

The Moon and Secrecy

The Moon Tarot card meanings derive from the fact that Moon exists in the realm of the unknown. Scientifically, there is so much about the Moon that is unknown to us, and there are a great number of accounts throughout history detailing uncanny phenomena about the Moon and its origin.

When we interact with the Moon, we are faced with uncertainty, hidden danger, and secrets. Thus, the Moon can represent hidden Occult beliefs or even deceptive behavior.

This is not something to be afraid of, because there are a lot of beneficial things that are shrouded by darkness. For example, Intuitive powers are part of the unconscious mind, the workings of which are still a profound secret to us. Even the ways the Universe and our spirit guides work to our benefit are part of the unknown.

That said, there is an element of danger associated with the unknown. For example, in Astral projection it is possible to wander too far away and into the "wrong" parts of the Universe. That's outside the scope of the conversation here but the point is that there is a dangerous "deep end" present in all things.

When this card emerges in a Tarot reading, it can represent dark unknowns and potential dangers along your career path or in your relationship. If the Moon is upright, it may be warning you of something that could be coming out of the shadows, or that you should open your mind up to discover something that you are missing. The Moon reversed, on the other hand, is speaking to something more malicious such as deception.

If the Moon is telling you that an unknown source is giving you anxiety, you can use Meditation to solve it. Sometimes, however, it can be more of an omen of things to come instead of something already present.

The Moon Tarot card tells of the hidden energies that are at play in your life, out of reach from your logical mind but still very much affecting you.

Final Thoughts on The Moon Card

Whether the moon card appears in a love tarot reading or a money reading, the moon shines light down onto the shadows of the situation.

With the moon's energy, you're able to access the subconscious mind and realize the truth of the question at hand.

If you're feeling anxious or unstable, use these feelings to decide whether or not you see a situation clearly.

Allow the moon's light to help guide you back to the illusions and embrace the coming sun. 


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