What does the Sun card mean?

The sun is a bright, warm, positive major arcana card that is a wonderful omen when it appears in a reading. This card doesn't usually have a negative association, regardless if it appears upright or reversed. The sun is a sign of hope, positivity, joy, and gratitude, and when it appears in a tarot card reading, it's a sign that times are changing for the better. 

Sun Tarot Card Associations:








Inner power, inner child, self assurance, good health, light, feeling carefree, good fortune, overly optimistic, positive outlook, warm embrace. 


The sun tarot card showcases an innocent child riding on a white horse, representing the purty of the inner child. The naked child holds a large red flag, and they are riding away from an old wall behind them. The wall is covered in sunflowers. These sunflowers grow tall towards the sky, which holds a large and powerful sun. 

The card's warm climate illustrates the energy of the sun card and how it feels when it appears in a reading. 

Sun Tarot Card meaning

How the Sun Tarot Card Meaning is Derived from its Imagery

The sun card is one of the most positive cards in the tarot deck. The bright sun in the sky of the card's imagery reminds us of the treasures life has to offer.

The sun represents life and health, which can be beneficial for those struggling with health issues. Long-term health improvements are often associated with the child in this card, as the child symbolizes youth and purity. The brick wall symbolizes strength and a solid foundation, which can help bring peace and contentment into one's life.

The clearest meaning of the card is found in all of the bright yellows found throughout the image, which represent feelings of happiness and joy. 

The Sun in the Fool's Journey

In the fool's journey, the sun card appears after the moon, which is a time of confusion, darkness, or reflection. Coming out of this darkness, the sun rises over the horizon, illuminating the positive side of a situation.

The light of the sun spreads throughout every aspect of your life, and you are filled with gratitude and appreciation.

During this time, the fool is energized, encouraged, and empowered, and he's able to cultivate a sense of positive self expression. In the fool's journey, the sun represents success in his endeavors, love life, financial situation, and the overall path ahead. 

The Sun Tarot Card Meanings

The sun card is a positive card regardless of its position when drawn during a tarot reading. 

The Sun upright meaning

The sun appears upright when positive times are on their way. The upright sun is a marker of positivity, brightness, happiness, and joy. There is harmony in the romantic, financial, and creative aspects of your life.

If you've struggled with internal challenges, you will manage to break free from these shackles and set your inner spirit free. In the upright position, the sun empowers you with physical energy, allows you to express gratitude much easier, and allows you to let go of any financial worries. 

The sun reminds you to look towards the bright side of life, embrace hope, and let go of negative thoughts and emotions that don't serve you in this present moment. 

The Sun Upright in Love

The upright sun card meaning in love, is a very beneficial placement, as it suggests that your love life will bring you the joy and happiness that you seek. If you're currently in a relationship, your partner has been brought to you by divine will for you to experience the universe's own love for you. 

The Sun Card in Reverse

When the sun appears in the reversed position, it's still a sign of positivity. There may be a sense of excessive enthusiasm or unrealistic expectations, but this doesn't mean the card in this position is a bad omen.

There is still plenty of positivity around you, but if the sun appears in reverse, you may want to find ways to ground your energy and decide if you're thinking clearly about your current situation.

The Sun reversed shows that you may not currently feel the positive energy of this card, but it's making its way into your life. Expect positive change, warmth, and good health in the times ahead.

Hold on to this sign to help guide you out of the darkness and into the light. 

Reversed Sun Card for Career Meaning

When the reversed card appears in a career meaning, it may be a sign that you have been too hopeful too quickly. Maybe you've overestimated your abilities or have rose-colored glasses on when contemplating a new opportunity.

Luckily, the sun appearing at all suggests that these opportunities can yield beneficial outcomes; you may just need to invest more energy into your own skills or be more realistic in your perspective. 

Significance of the Sun

As we talked about, the Sun Tarot card carries a positive message regardless of how it emerges in a Tarot reading. But what exactly is the Tarot card telling us?

First, consider the Fool's Journey. The Sun emerges right at the end, after the Fool has overcome obstacles both internal and external. He has risen above the curses of the Devil, survived the destruction of the Tower, and even developed a sense of Justice along the way.

Despite these victories, be assured that the journey was not easy. In any meaningful undertaking, there are times when we want to quit. When we want to take the easy way out instead of enduring more suffering. Deep in the trenches, it feels like the light will never come. But that is exactly what makes the Sun so powerful.

The Sun serves as a beacon of hope. The consistency across all the Sun Tarot card meanings is that you will once again experience the joyful splendor of life you had as a child. Regardless of how much resistance you face, there will be another time of abundance and peace.

Consider the Literal Sun

Take a second to think about the actual Sun in the sky. It has provided incredible abundance throughout human history. There is a reason why the sun has been worshipped so prevalently, especially in spiritual practices such as yoga meditations for inner power. The Sun is a reliable and powerful source of life, health, and joy.

No matter what happens after the sun sets, it will rise again. It always does. The mistakes and failures of yesterday are washed away by the new sun's rise.

Just as the sun itself is consistently there, the good times represented by the sun are patiently waiting for you as well. In this way, the message of the Sun is clear: never lose hope.

Final Thoughts on The Sun Card

Anytime the sun card appears in a reading, it's a sign from the universe that positive energy is assisting you along your journey.

Even if you aren't currently in your sun moment, you're nearing the doorway, all you have to do is continue forward, and soon you'll enter a new phase in your life that feels supportive, healing, warm, and positive. The sun always shines, and it's important to remember that if you're currently in darkness, this darkness can't last forever.

When the time is right, the sun will appear overhead, sweeping away the shadows that previously clung to your spirit, lifting you up, empowering you, energizing you, and bringing you into a state of wholeness.

The sun asks you to allow yourself to find gratitude in your life, even in the smallest of ways, to help remind you of the beauty of life and what a gift it truly is. 


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