What does the Four of Pentacles card mean?

The four of pentacles tarot card meaning concerns the material world. It considers our relationship with money and our material possessions, and how it can affect us.

This Tarot Card is a reminder of the importance of allowing energetic flow into one's life, enjoying what you have while not holding onto anything too tightly.

Out of all the pentacles, this card is one of the most unique and one of the most profound messages to learn that can help relieve you of negative thoughts and beliefs that prevent you from experiencing the life you truly desire.

Four of Pentacles Associations:








Penny pinching, toxic people, more control, get rich quick, big purchases, financial loss, net worth, financial stability, greed, money scarcity.


The Four of Pentacles card shows a crowned man sitting on his throne.

He sits alone outside the city, positioned far in the background.

He has a proper hold over one pentacles in his lap, holding it with both hands tightly.

A pentacle also rests on top of his crown, and two are positioned below his feet.

The man appears to be guarding these pentacles with everything he has, holding them tightly, not allowing anyone or anything to take away what he's accumulated.

Behind him, the dark gray sky appears to be lifeless, as if he's stuck in limbo, unable to move forward.

How the Four of Pentacles's Meaning is derived from its imagery

The gray background and emptiness surrounding the man depicted in the card are a representation of his minimalist lifestyle.

He has decided to live below his means, not spending any more of his resources on anyone or anything.

The man may be scared of his past reckless behavior, and since he's not accumulated the wealth he desires, he is holding onto it with everything he has. It could be that he has suffered financial losses that have left a lingering anxiety of losing money. These attitudes are at the forefront of the Four of Pentacles Tarot Card meaning.

The Four of Pentacles show a man who can only feel secure if he has his finances are tightly under his control. This can be a good thing because it can drive responsible financial planning and decision-making, or it can speak to the fearful hoarding of money that leads to loss of opportunity.

Behind him, the city seems small and far away, showing that he has closed himself off from the people in his life due to his need to preserve his resources.

Suit of Pentacles

Each Pentacles Tarot card pertains to one topic in particular: money. The four of Pentacles relates to your relationship with money, and so do the rest of the pentacles cards.

While these cards can be helpful in the manifestation of money, an important takeaway from the Pentacles suit is that money is not something meant to be hoarded or seen as the end goal of your efforts.

Money is like the flow of electricity around the circuit board of human problems & solutions. It is meant to flow, not be buried where it waits to be taken in some kind of unfortunate hit. The more money that comes to you and is sent away, the more will continue to come to you.

In a similar vein, if money is your end goal, it will elude you. Money comes as a by-product of solving a meaningful problem for people or by executing on your unique talents and being rewarded for it. Instead of focusing on "how can I get the most money" ask yourself, "what can I do to give the most value?"

Ironically, it is this attitude that will lead you to the greatest riches. If you see yourself in the Four of Pentacles Tarot card, that may be a sign that you'd do well to shift your relationship towards money.

Four of Pentacles in the Minor Arcana Suit

The four of pentacles appears after the three of pentacles, where the Fool has seen success in collaborating with others and making forward movements with his finances.

He's finally seeing actual financial resources, which may have come after financial losses or making hazardous investments.

He's amassed a little fortune yet still has negative associations with money and finances.

This pentacles tarot card meanings illustrate a pivotal time for Fool's journey, where he will begin to question his beliefs and ideas around money.

The Four of pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Four Pentacles Upright

When the four pentacles appears upright, it symbolizes financial insecurity.

You may have problems with your perspective on money, and even though you've gained financial security, you're continuing to live in a scarcity mindset that doesn't allow you to enjoy what you've gained.

In this case, the pentacles suggests you should direct your focus away from the material world and focus more on the emotional, mental, or spiritual aspects of life.

There will also be more money out there for you to gain, and while it's important to spend your money wisely, it's also essential to enjoy yourself. If you see the Sun card in the reading as well, that tends to mean there is light at the end of the tunnel for you and you should not worry about the future.

If you have your own business, this card is a sign that it may have too much of your focus, and instead, you should delegate some of your responsibilities to someone else.

The Four of Pentacles in a Love Tarot Reading

When the four pentacles card meaning when it appears in a love spread shows that the individual may be holding on too tightly to the relationship. There is an underlying fear of loss or abandonment that is causing this person to prevent the relationship from unfolding naturally.

This creates a lack of flow and can cause issues in communication, love, and other areas of connection. There also may be an individual who isn't allowing their partner into their life as their equal, and instead, they are closing off their own possessions and belongings, holding them for themselves. This comes from a fear of letting others in and losing what they hold dear to their heart. 

Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Reversed in a Financial Tarot Spread

When it comes to finances, the Four of Pentacles reversed signifies a time when you may lose some of the money that you've accumulated. The advice of this Tarot card would be to not interpret as a bad thing. Losing money or taking hits to your finances is a part of life. Get comfortable with money flowing in and out, and more will come to you.

In the past, you may have held on to your finances and material possessions too tightly, putting them on a pedestal that ultimately led you to where you're at today. It will be helpful for you to take this time to realize what's truly important in life. The Wheel of Fortune cardmay also appear here to indicate change and evolution in your life.

If you see the Four of Pentacles reversed and it resonates with you that you may be losing a good deal of money, try to look on the bright side. It is these challenges that test if you are truly ready for greater sums of money. If you are not prepared to gain or lose large sums, the Universe is doing you a favor by keeping it out of your hands.

The Reversed Four of Pentacles in a Health Tarot Spread

When the four pentacles appear in the reversed position in regard to health, it shows that you're reaching a time when it's necessary to put an emphasis on your health. You will be (or should be) making strides toward achieving the healing that you seek.

You may have neglected your health in the past, but you're now faced with a situation that causes you to put yourself first. You'll likely be finding new self-care practices, working out more, and finding new foods to introduce into your diet. 

Common Themes of the Four of Pentacles in Tarot Readings

As we have established, the Four of Pentacles emerges in a Tarot reading to point to financial security (or financial insecurity) and therefore typically emerges in a financial Tarot spread. But the interpretations that are often observed in these readings can be different from the Four of Pentacles Tarot card description provided here.

One of the most common meanings is found with homeowners. Many times, this card can suggest that the homeowner is placing way too much concern on the cleanliness and physical state of their house. They worry about every mess, damage, leaky pipe, dent, and so on to the point of exhaustion. This makes them a slave to their house just as much as the owner of it! If you find this applies to you, take a step back

Another common theme is that people who see this card tend to find discomfort in spending money. Of course, no one likes to see the number in their bank account go down and the number on the credit card balance go up. But, it is unhealthy to always have an unpleasant to reaction when spending money, even if your finances are tight.

The remedy for this is to recognize that spending money is a natural part of life. It's part of the process, and is necessary for increasing your luxuries or for making more money. If you feel a a tinge of frustration every time you do so, it may be that you are concerned about more money coming to you.

Imagine: if you had absolute faith the Universe was going to provide you with the financial abundance you desire in the future, would you have any qualms about spending money now? Of course not! So, for this reason frustration with using your money tends to be rooted in a fear that you will not be able to make it back in a reasonable and timely manner.

Have faith in yourself and in the Universe. Every time you make a purchase or incur a charge, remind yourself that you will make it back tenfold! You will unlock the financial abundance you desire. The Universe will provide you will plentiful amounts of money when the time is right. The only way to prevent this is to place excess worry on spending.

Final Thoughts on the Four of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The four pentacles is an honest card that holds a powerful message that everyone can benefit from learning. Life isn't simply about what you can gain financially or what you can buy with your resources.

When you focus too heavily on the material world, you lose sight of what's important and weaken your spiritual connection with the universe. The four of pentacles tarot card asks you to awaken to the truth of your life's purpose and guides you towards realigning yourself with your highest path.

Material possessions are meant to be experienced with joy, but they shouldn't own you. View everything you have without resistance, and hold them with an open hand, allowing them to come and go without attachment. 


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